IOE provides some scholarship and quotas for certain students. The 4 constituent engineering campuses has quota for female, teacher & staffs, government staffs and for deprived classes. Also, private affiliated engineering colleges provide IOE scholarship to 10% of the total seats and those who get this scholarship pays same fee structure as the regular fee for IOE Constituent Campuses. Also, semester scholarship is provided to deserving students.
Read: Fee Structure for Engineering Colleges in Nepal
- Female Quota: Among regular and full-fee scheme, 10% seats are reserved for female students. If the criteria of 10% is not met in admission list, female candidates will be selected from the female applicants list who has fulfilled the minimum criteria. The number of quota seats in different engineering campuses: Pulchowk Campus, Western Region Campus, Eastern Region Campus and Thapathali Campus are as follows(Academic year 2075/2018):

- Teacher / Staff Quota: Two seats are reserved for the son/daughter of teacher or staff of the BE / B.Arch of IOE Constituent Campuses.

- Government staff Quota: Seats are reserved for the son / daughter of the staff of Government offices as sponsored by the concerned office. This quota is valid only for full-fee scheme and 1/12 of the total admission seat is reserved and the associated office should recommend the applicant.

- 1/12 of total seats in IOE affiliated colleges for deprived castes, indigenous community and other economically and socially deprived students are reserved. But this scheme is valid only if government organization is willing to pay the fee of the recommended students. To be eligible for this scheme, one should have passed SLC from government/community school. This quota includes female, janajati, madhesi, dalit, physically challenged, unapproachable, muslim, tharu.

The quota for government office staff is mentioned .what are the requirements to apply. Is it valid only for students who have passed SLC from government school?? Help me out. son of government teacher are provided or not!
How can we get scholarship according to point no 4 of above mentioned quotas?
how to get government official scholarship in TU constituent colleges.
Is there any reserved quota for foreign student?
How can i apply for government staff daughter quota ??
Can a dalit student from private scl get chance to fill form in dalit Kota?
Hi and Namaste Sir! Sir I got 1324 rank in entrance exam. I want to study ECE in Pulchowk campus in regular. I knew its very difficult to get admission in Pulchowk.But I have heard about a Madheshi quata. So my curry is how can I apply for that(procedures)…and what are the required documents for that??? Sir pzz reply soon!!!
there isn’t any reserved seat for disabilities?
I also want to know
Is there quota for +2 govermental student ?
Is there any seats for ethnical community????
Hlo sir, Criteria for 10% quota for girls is out of 432 students or other than those?
Sir, could you please tell me the procedure to apply in deprived quota?
Excuse me sir! I want to know about quota 4
Can private slc passed students apply for a reserved qota
How can we apply for quota?
There isn’t seats for disabled students?
Can you please tell me how can we apply for point 4
If I have already submitted form in open scheme,can I edit it and apply in quota scheme again?
Can I apply to quota number 4 as I have passed SLC from private school but I am a governmental officer son???
I passed out See and 10+2 from government school. Can I apply for quotas??
Can i apply for janjati if i have passed my see from private school ?
I recommend to government (IOE) .,
I was studied government schools and colleges,
So I how can I afflied to study in government college .
Please help me….