Chapter Wise Notes of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We now have collection of PDF notes of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for BE Computer Third Year – Second Part. The course was introduced provide basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence along with different search techniques and acquainting students with the fields related to AI and its applications of AI.

The syllabus along with marking scheme, course content and recommended book list can be accessed from Syllabus page.

The soft copy notes in PDF format can be downloaded or read online from the following links:

Visit AIHUBPROJECTS.COM to learn more about AI & Data Science.

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Raju Dawadi
Raju Dawadi
Raju is currently actively involved in DevOps world and is focused on Container based architecture & CI/CD automation along with Linux administration. Want to discuss with him on any cool topics? Feel free to connect on twitter, linkedIn, facebook.


  1. Application of AI link is not clickable, please help

  2. sujan says:

    It would be better if I could download the hole notes on single click.

  3. thullw says:

    Thanks for the notes.

  4. thullw says:

    thanks , helped me alot.

  5. sagar p says:

    HI sir note of to good

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